How America stole Budweiser

Ahoj Všichni!


I’ve wanted to make this video for years, and I’m so glad I waited until now, because my video making skills are improving enough to hopefully do the topic justice.

I would clock this one at about 60 hours of work, plus 10 hours of Honza’s time to birth this 18 minute video. I’ve realized that when I have a good story to tell, and I am constantly learning and improving my editing skills, I love making these videos more and more!

We had a lovely time at the Budvar Brewery and got to spend a few hours walking around České Budějovice, which is just as beautiful as they say. I got to meet one of my viewers, Magda ⬅️ who told me that it had been a dream of hers to work at Budvar, and so she was living her dream too! I really got the impression that the whole town takes a lot of pride in their beer tradition, as they should.


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